Our Instructors

K. Karamjeet
Master in Youth Health and Well-Being, MA in Applied Linguistics (TESOL) and BA in English Language and Linguistics from University of Melbourne, Dip in Education from Institute of Education, Singapore and Victorian Institute of Teaching Certificate from Australia.
Training or Teaching Experience: 30 years
S. Dave
MA TEFL/TESL Research (University of Birmingham UK), MSc in Logistic and Degree in Mech Eng. from Nanyang Technological University, Post Graduate Diploma in Education (Nanyang Technological University), Diploma in TESOL (UK), Certificate in TEFL (UK), Certificate of Educational Studies (UK)
Training or Teaching Experience: 20 years
W. Lynn
BA in Management and Economics (University of Guelph), Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing (The Chartered Institute of Marketing), Instructor TESOL Diploma (Canada), Advanced TESOL Diploma (Canada), Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (Australia). She is currently pursuing her MA in Educational Studies with one of the University in the UK.
Training or Teaching Experience: 15 years
C. Kim
MA in Teaching English to Young Learners (University Of York), BA in Arts & Social Sciences (National University of Singapore), Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers & Trainers (University of Cambridge), Diploma in TESOL (UK), Certificate in TEYL (UK), she is currently pursuing her BA in Communication and English Language Studies (UNISIM, Singapore).
Training or Teaching Experience: 16 years
C. Paul
MA in TESOL and BA in Political Science from (University of Nottingham, UK,) MA in Southeast Asian Studies (National University of Singapore), Diploma in TESOL (UK), CELTA (UK)
Training or Teaching Experience: 15 years
T. Azrael
BA in English Language (National University of Singapore), Post Graduate Diploma in Education (Nanyang Technological University), Advanced TESOL Diploma (Canada)
Training or Teaching Experience: 16 years
C. Johnson
B.Ed in Elementary Education and Special Needs Diploma from University of Victoria
Training or Teaching Experience: 10 years
D. Melissa
Bachelor of Arts (York University), Advanced TESOL Certificate (Global TESOL College), TESOL Diploma (ILAC)
Training or Teaching Experience: 9 years